Data transfer feature between TURKPATENT and EPO for European patent validations put into use
Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT) has announced that a web service was created between European Patent Office (EPO) and TURKPATENT for the entries of the validation of the European patents and submission of the set of the claims for provisional protections in Turkey.
With the databases being integrated, when the users enter the grant number (B1) for validating the European patents in Turkey or the publication number (A1) for submitting the set of claims for European patent applications into the the EPATS, which is the electronic filing system of TURKPATENT, the following data will be automatically fetched from the database of the European patent register:
- European Patent Application Date
- European Patent Application Number
- European Patent Application Publication Date
- European Patent Grant Date
- International Patent Classes (IPC)
- Priority Claim Rights Data
- Title and Address of Applicants and Holders
- Title and Address of the inventors
This new facility will substantially accelerate the filing procedure and provide the consistency of the data between both Offices.